Nancy tagged me to share with you my top four in each of the categories listed:
Outstanding memories of 2008
1 ~ Our beautiful grandbabies--Claire and Jonah--turning one year old and the TWO parties we had for them!
2 ~ Going to Lakeland several times to visit with the grandbabies and their parents!
3 ~ Our first ever family vacation with all of our children and those precious grandbabies.
4 ~ A delightful and wonderful holiday season with our family and friends.
Favorite movies of 2008
1 ~ Eagle Eye
2 ~ The Brave One
3 ~ Mamma Mia
4 ~ Next
Favorite foods of 2008
1 ~ Slap Yo' Mama Chicken Dip
2 ~ Aussie Cheese Fries at Outback
3 ~ Barbecue, potato salad, etc. at Fat Boys
4 ~ Salads from Fanci Free
Favorite places of 2008
1 ~ our home, especially since the sunroom was completed (well--almost completed)
2 ~ the Smoky Mountains
3 ~ Lakeland, FL (because the grandbabies are there!)
4 ~ Prattville (I just love living in this town)
Events of 2008
1 ~ Claire and Jonah turning one
2 ~ the election of our first African-American president
3 ~ Me turning---well, I will not say how old! Let's just say OLD!!!!
4 ~ Allen and I celebrating 42 years of marriage!!
Things I liked in 2008
1 ~ having our sunroom built
2 ~ also, having my Christmas storage room built
3 ~ decorating the sunroom
4 ~ remodeling the foyer
Things I look forward to in 2009
1 ~ going to Lakeland to keep the grandbabies while Tony and Susan are out of town
2 ~ going to my nephew's wedding
3 ~ getting to vacation in and around Wilmington, NC with my two sisters
4 ~ going on another family vacation
So now, I tag YOU! I would love to know if you accept this tag by leaving me a comment so I can visit you and read yours!
21 January 2009
I Have Been Tagged Again
24 December 2008
Christmas Decorations At Our House
19 November 2008
07 October 2008
7 Things
Haley did this on her blog and wanted others to do it, too. So here goes...
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
1. Become a better Christian
2. Work on not letting my feelings get hurt so easily
3. Learn to let go of things that I cannot control
4. Learn that my way is not always the best way
5. Maybe go on a cruise
6. Maybe do a photography book on Prattville
7. Keep learning new things
7 Things I Do Now
1. Lots of painting ( in our new sunroom)
2. Clean other peoples' houses
3. Work at the day school
4. Keep the church Resource Room stocked and organized
5. Work on my blogs (though not a lot lately)
6. Try to keep my house clean
7. Count the time till I can see my grandbabies again
7 Things I Can't Do(ditto to a lot of your answers Haley )
1. I can't cut the grass cause I can never get the mower started!
2. I can't give a speech
3. Control my OCD all the time
4. Understand how people can be so hateful and rude and lie
5. Whistle
6. Sing -I love to sing and wish I could but unfortunately when I try .....
7. I can't have nice thick hair--oh how I wish I did.
7 Things That Attract Me To My Hubby
1.He has a strong christian faith
2.He is a very kind person
3.His patience
4.His love for me
5. His love for our children
6.His love for our grandchildren
7.His ability to forgive so easily
7 Things That I Say Most
2. Good morning--to so many parents and kids at day school
3. Be quiet; look where you are going ; and other things along these lines to kids at day school
4. It seems like it is always Monday
5. This house is a MESS!
6. I want all this renovation stuff to be over!
7. I am sooooooo tired
7 Celebrities That I Admire
Don't know that there are really any that I admire--they are just too worldly.
7 Favorite Foods
1. Hamburgers
2. Pizza
3. Chicken Spaghetti
4. A good salad and bread
5. Loaded baked potatoes
6. Cheesecake
7. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate--the darker, the better!
7 People I Want To Do This
All of you---send me your answers ( or post them in your blog
25 September 2008
We Are Getting Closer...
We are getting closer to finishing the sunroom! All the crown molding, baseboards, and window trims are done. We have now got to paint them--not looking forward to that! Too much detail work. We also have to put at least one more coat of paint on the walls. And we have to paint the doors and attach the new hardware to the doors. Then we have to have the flooring installed. But like I said--we are getting closer! Yaaaaayyyyyy!