It has been so very hot here lately, so I thought I would post some pics that I took back in January of the 'seldom seen in Prattville SNOW' !!!!! It was so nice to look out our window that morning and see the pretty white stuff! Now, compared to the snow that we saw when we lived in Germany, it was rather sparse. But for this part of Alabama, it was so very wonderful. And right now, it is so nice to think of cold temps instead of all this heat!

Sorry I couldn't help you fix those pics, but they are still beautiful!!! And what a fabulous day in AL History. I have a blog on GGandG in a Frame just based on that day!
did you make sure to click 'center' because it looks like the 'right' was chosen :) the pic that Katie is talking about turned out real good!! I saw it on there the other night. I love your snapshots, Lynne!
My poor kiddos will think that snow is that foamy stuff they blow during the Christmas parades at Disney World! Beautiful pictures!
you know what? I just uploaded all those pics for this last blog AND they didn't come out large!! And I made sure it was marked for Large and Center. Hmm, looks like Blogger has a problem.
Wow!!! That looks really cool - it's been sooo hot here that I makes me feel cooler just looking at the pictures!!!
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